Bright Sunflower Bouquet

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Fill this Summer with flowers! The Bright Sunflower Bouquet is arranged by a florist near you with Sunflowers, pink roses, green mums, orange carnations and more. All the Summer floral stems are put in a clear glass vase that is wrapped with a raffia bow. Choose to have the Bright Sunflower Bouquet delivered for a birthday, graduation or just because. A Summer Sunflower gift will make someone's day!

Prices are set accordingly to height and amount of flowers used.

• Hot Pink Roses
• Sunflowers
• Green Figi Mums
• Orange Carnations
• Solidago
• Purple Statice
• Pittosporum
• Natural Raffia
• Clear Glass Vase

Arrangement may vary due to availability.

Prices are set accordingly to height and amount of flowers used.

DELUXE arrangement measures approximately 21"H x 14"W
PREMIUM arrangement measures approximately 19"H x 13"W
REGULAR arrangement measures approximately 15"H x 11"W
