Playful Pink Gerbera Daisy Bouquet

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Make someone's day brighter with this lovely pink and red bouquet. Arranged by a local florist, the flowers are situated in a glass fluted vase with a decorative ribbon, and available for same-day delivery. The Playful Pink Gerbera Daisy Bouquet includes pink alstroemeria and pink gerbera daisies accented with green hypericum berries and makes for a beautiful gift for any occasion. Measures 15"H by 11"L. 

• Pink Gerbera Daisies
• Pink Alstroemeria
• Green Hypericum Berries
• Glass Fluted Vase
• Decorative Ribbon

Note: the number of flowers will increase, proportionally with the size and price of the flower arrangement.

  • DELUXE arrangement measures approximately 21"H x 14"W
  • PREMIUM arrangement measures approximately 19"H x 13"W
  • REGULAR arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 12"W