Rainbow Garden Roses Bouquet
Important Delivery Information
Important Delivery Information:
We offer "Same Day Flower Delivery" to McKinney, Frisco, Allen, Prosper and Plano TX. We also deliver to further areas of the DFW Metroplex. If your order is outside our delivery area, the order will be sent and filled by another florist in the recipients city
Substitution Policy
Brighten up their day with a fresh bouquet of miniature rainbow roses! Sweet and fragrant, these miniature spray roses are also called garden roses or tea roses. They bloom with multiple flowers on each stem, creating a fun and bright bouquet! Surprise a friend, neighbor, or your sweetheart with a fresh bunch of mini blooms that they're sure to love.
• Mini Spray Roses
• Rainbow Variety of Colors
• Vase (Optional)
• Personal Card Message
Regular 12 roses
Deluxe 18 roses
Premium 24 roses
Delivery Information
We offer"Same Day Flower Delivery" to McKinney, Frisco, Allen, Prosper and Plano TX. We also deliver to further areas of the DFW Metroplex. If your order is outside our delivery area, the order will be sent and filled by another florist in the recipients city