Rose Lily Celebration

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Send stunning flowers to celebrate any occasion! With classic floral colors including red roses and pink lilies, the Rose and Lily Celebration is a wonderful gift to send to a friend or family member for a birthday, get well or anniversary. The flowers are arranged by hand at a local florist shop. The floral artist creates the Rose and Lily bouquet with red roses, pink roses, pink lilies, pink alstroemeria and purple waxflower. Paired with the flowers is a keepsake clear vase that is wrapped in a decorative ribbon. 

• Pink Asiatic Lilies
• Pink and Red Roses
• Purple Waxflowers
• Alstroemeria
• Glass Vase

Note: the number of flowers will increase, proportionally with the size and price of the flower arrangement.

  • DELUXE arrangement measures approximately 21"H x 14"W
  • PREMIUM arrangement measures approximately 19"H x 13"W
  • REGULAR arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 12"W