Southern Peach Bouquet
Looking for a modern twist on an old classic - this bouquet is just what you need! The Southern Peach Rose Bouquet brings you a subtle and sophisticated look with a bit of modern style. Charming and easy on the eyes, with beautiful pastel tones, this bouquet brings a room to life with it's artful appearance. Peach roses surrounded by white lilies, peach carnations and greenery - but the best part? All of this surrounds a green echeveria succulent. The fun new accessory to any bouquet, this delicate succulent adds a modern touch and is guaranteed to delight!
Prices are set accordingly to height and amount of flowers used.
- DELUXE arrangement measures approximately 21"H x 14"W
- PREMIUM arrangement measures approximately 19"H x 13"W
- REGULAR arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 12"W
• Peach Roses
• White Asiatic Lilies
• Peach Mini Carnations
• White Stock
• Pitta Negra
• Dusty Miller
• Green Echeveria Succulent
• Glass Cube Vase
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